What’s more divine than love……….

What do you mean by unconditional love? I didn’t know it to be truthful until some days before since I have started to miss someone so so much……….I believe the only way to understand whether it is unconditional love or not is when you try to reach out to someone so much without hurting the other person or being selfish…………in simple words just by trying to make her happy all the while even when you cry. This love is crazy and yet so beautiful. The feeling unrealistic yet so fills you up from within. Love is divine because you try selflessly to accomplish so much not for yourself but for someone else who might not even know that someone misses you so so much. Love is even more beautiful, don’t cripple it, loose yourself in its passion, it will make you selfless…..

One Response to “What’s more divine than love……….”

  1. Yes!Love is unconditional……the passionate self though compel you to become crazy….but the sacrifice encountered for the sake of this liking..might elevate you to different level……an unknown satisfaction pervades the mind…..giving a sweet feeling……which you can’t fail to accept…

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